On the cutting edge of tools to maintain golf course greens, the patented GreenStik is a professional repair tool that really works. Fix golf ball pitch-marks, as well as aerate and top dress the green, in one simple motion with this very clever tool.

How it Works

The GreenStik NS.
The GreenStik NS offers quick divot repair and aeration without the top dressing with sand. The GreenStik NS clips to a golf cart between the golf bags. (see photo). Clip and screw are included.
How to Repair a GreenStik
“GreenStik is an amazing addition to our maintenance program. It assists us in assuring a smooth putting surface on our greens for our members and their guests.”
“I have felt compelled to drop you a note about your product. I belong to a very top-notch, private country club in southeaster Wisconsin. Our greens superintendent does a fabulous job presenting terrific playing conditions. Like every club, there are always improperly repaired pitch-marks. I am retired and wanted to do something to promote the finest playing conditions at our club. I asked our superintendent how i could contribute utilizing some of my free time. He gave me a GreenStik and ‘set me loose.’ It took me several hours to get caught up on 18 holes – I have now heard several comments from a fellow member saying, ‘WOW! Our greens have never looked better!’ … And they do, thanks to GreenStik! GreenStik is a tremendous product. Perhaps some of the fine clubs in the U.S. can find a retired, enthusiastic member turn him/her loose with a GreenStik. They will be proud!”
“The GreenStik works great at fixing and starting the healing process of ball marks and also helps initiate the conversation to the membership on the importance of fixing a ball mark correctly.”
“Tom, it is very easy to use. I use it on our pitching and chipping greens all the time, after clinics. Definitely a back saver! Our superintendent likes it as well.”